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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Choices For Medical Weight Loss

When you have trouble losing weight, it can be difficult to watch others lose weight seemingly without effort. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, no amount of dieting or exercise seems to make a difference in your weight and appearance. It can be maddening. Fortunately, there are options for weight loss when it seems like nothing else is working. Medical weight loss is an option for those that just can't seem to lose it any other way.

Medical weight loss may refer to several programs or procedures designed to assist people in losing weight with the help of modern medical technology. Some medical weight loss programs are designed to increase the metabolism of the individual using medications while being supervised by a medical doctor. While other medical weight loss solutions involve surgical procedures like gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery. Gastric banding surgery, also known as lap band, is a procedure that involves placing an inflatable silicone device around the top portion of the stomach. The band is designed to decrease the volume of the stomach so that it holds less, which in turn makes the patient feel full more quickly. The patient will then eat less. Gastric bypass surgery divides the stomach into two pouches, an upper and lower pouch. This surgery has a similar effect as lap band in that it decreases the volume of the stomach. If you are someone that has struggled with weight for many years and just can't seem to lose it through traditional dieting and exercise methods, perhaps it's time to talk to a doctor about a medical weight loss program or procedure.

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Exercise For Weight Loss

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